- 注册时间2009-04-22
- 最后登录2025-02-09
- 在线时间23907小时
- 发帖142838
- 搜Ta的帖子
- 精华
- 金钱9033237
- 威望106800
- 贡献值20
- 发帖
- 142838
- 金钱
- 9033237
- 威望
- 106800
- 贡献值
- 20
当我老了,不再是原来的我。 请理解我,对我有一点耐心。
当我把菜汤洒到自己衣服上时,当我忘记怎样系鞋带时, 请想一想当初我是如何手把手地教你。
当我一遍又一遍地重复你早已听腻的话语,请耐心地听我说,不要打断我。 你小的时候,我不得不重复那个讲过千百遍的故事,直到你进入梦乡。
当我需要你帮我洗澡时,请不要责备我。 还记得小时候我千方百计哄你洗澡的情形吗?
当我对新科技和新事物不知所措时,请不要嘲笑我。 想一想当初我怎样耐心地回答你的每一个“为什么”。
当我由于双腿疲劳而无法行走时,请伸出你年轻有力的手搀扶我。 就像你小时候学习走路时,我扶你那样。
当我忽然忘记我们谈话的主题,请给我一些时间让我回想。 其实对我来说,谈论什么并不重要,只要你能在一旁听我说,我就很满足。
当你看着老去的我,请不要悲伤。 理解我,支持我,就像你刚开始学习如何生活时我对你那样。
当初我引导你走上人生路,如今请陪伴我走完最后的路。给我你的爱和耐心, 我会报以感激的微笑,这微笑中凝结着我对你无限的爱。
To my dear child: On the day when you see me old, weak and weary, Have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating, If I can not dress on my own, Please bear with me and remember the times I spent feeding you and dressing you up. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same things over and over again, Do not interrupt me. Listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you the same story A thousand and one times until you went to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, Neither shame nor scold me. Remember when I had to chase you With your thousand excuses to get you to the shower? When you see my ignorance of new technologies, Help me navigate my way through those world wide webs. I taught you how to do so many things, To eat the right foods, to dress appropriately, To fight for your rights. When at some moment I lose the memory Or the thread of our conversation, Let me have the necessary time to remember. And if I can not, do not become nervous, As the most important thing is not our conversation, But surely to be with you and to have you listening to me. If ever I do not feel like eating, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not to eat. When my tired legs give way And do not allow me to walk without a cane, Lend me your hand. The same way I did When you tried your first faltering steps. And when someday I say to you, That I do not want to live any more, that I want to die, Do not get angry. Some day you will understand. Try to understand that my age is not just lived but survived. Some day you will realize that, despite my mistakes, I always wanted the best for you And I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry nor ashamed For having me near you. Instead, try to understand me and help me Like I did when you were young. Help me to walk. Help me to live the rest of my life with love and dignity. I will pay you with a smile and by the immense love I have always had for you in my heart. I love you, child. Dad Author unknown[ 此帖被美少妇在31-07-2009 11:58重新编辑 ]